Los estudiantes que deseen iniciar estudios oficiales de grado en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha podrán solicitarlo por cualquiera de las vías de acceso previstas en la normativa vigente.Students who wish to begin their official studies for an undergraduate degree at the University of Castilla-La Mancha may apply through any means recognized in the current legislature.
In the case that a prospective student should want to enter directly into a programme (estudios de matrícula directa), they may formalize their enrolment in the undergraduate degree programmes for each academic course within the established time frame (plazos establecidos).
For all other studies, prospective students should enrol with all necessary documents attached through the Virtual Secretary (Secretaría Virtual) within the established dates (plazos establecidos. )
If one wishes to participate in the re-admission process, they may apply each time that a new publication on lists is produced, especially for those options which one most prefers.
For information on pre-enrolment, consult our Pre-inscription Guide. Guía de Preinscripción .
At the moment of admission, the student is given an enrolment date, which the student may change only once through the Virtual Secretary (Secretaría Virtual). In the event that the student does not formalize their enrolment by the established deadline, they will lose their place and it will be offered to students on the waiting list.
Full-time students in the first course must sign up for no less than 60 credits and no more than 48. If the student is registered as part-time, they must register for 30 credits. The subjects for the first course that are recognized transfer credits will be computed to the affects of the aforementioned.
The tuition fee will be determined according to the chosen undergraduate degree programme, number of credits chosen, the number of times the student has to take any given subject, the possible recognized transfer credits, and the possible exemptions or awarding of the tuition fees that should be paid upon formalisation.
If the student has applied for a scholarship of general assistance for university studies from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, that should be indicated when formalising the enrolment. In such a case, the student will only have to pay the secretarial fees. Tuition paid in full or divided into a maximum of 10 installments.
More information on tuition can be found in the Tuition Guide.Guía de Matrícula .
For any other information related with the processes of academic management, please contact the (UGAC) Campus Department of Academic Management or send a message via the Student Mailbox.