The Law 31/1995 of November 8th, on Occupational Risk Prevention (LPRL) brought a new conception of Safety and Health in the workplace. Its application implies the implementation of a culture of prevention at all levels of the company, in our case the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) aimed at evaluating and minimizing the risks that work activity could cause to people’s health.
Law 54/2003, of December 12th, reforms the regulatory framework of the PRL and reinforces the obligation to integrate risk prevention into the general management system of the company, both in the set of its activities and in all hierarchical levels of the same, through the implementation and application of an Occupational Risk Prevention Plan (hereinafter PPRL), which must include the organizational structure, responsibilities, functions, practices, procedures, processes and resources necessary to carry out the action of risk prevention in the company, in the terms that are established by regulation.
On May 29, 2006, Royal Decree 604/2006, of May 19th, was published in the “Official State Gazette”, which modifies Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17th, by which the Regulation of Prevention Services (RSP) is approved.
This Royal Decree establishes that the occupational risk prevention plan must be reflected in a document that will be kept available to the labor authority, the health authorities and the representatives of the workers, and also establishes the content of the Prevention Plan.
The PPRL is an essential instrument to promote the university’s prevention policy and serve as a guide for the development and implementation of the necessary preventive actions, through a management system.
The Regulation of Prevention Services, approved by Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17th, as a development regulation of the PRL Law, establishes in article 1: “The prevention of occupational risks, as an action to be developed within the company, must be integrated into the set of its activities and decisions, both in the technical processes, in the organization of work and in the conditions in which it is provided, as well as in the hierarchical line of the company, including all levels of the same. The integration of prevention at all hierarchical levels of the company implies the attribution to all of them and the assumption by them of the obligation to include risk prevention in any activity they carry out or order and in all the decisions they make.”
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