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Rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Ph.D. Program in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

Ingenieria y Arquitectura
Icono de la rama del estudio
General Information

The appearance of RD-99/2011 led to the launch of the Doctoral Programme in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the UCLM, which derives directly from a previous programme, regulated by RD-1393/2007, with a Mention of Excellence and with the same name. The Doctoral Programme in Chemical and Environmental Engineering offers third cycle training that enables students to acquire the ability to work in the field of scientific and applied research, related to the development of chemical processes and products in an environmentally friendly way and with sustainable energy consumption.

The research and training of PhDs in the field of Chemical and Environmental Engineering is a relevant aspect in Spain, and in particular in the area of influence of the UCLM. The professional sector related to the chemical industry occupies one of the first positions as an employer at national level. On the other hand, the professional sector related to environmental engineering is one of the most important in Spain due to the need for a constant increase in material, professional, educational and public awareness and research resources aimed at environmental conservation. This industrial and social context requires the contribution of trained personnel in the R&D area.

Specifically, the proposed programme aims to ensure that students:

  1. Culminate their academic training, at the highest scientific level.
  2. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of Process and Environmental Engineering.
  3. Master the skills and methods of research related to this field.
  4. Demonstrate a commitment to the benefit of society and the environment.
  5. To be able to carry out critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis in existing and new situations of varying degrees of complexity.
  6. To be capable of proposing new doctrines, principles, models or methods inherent to the field of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

The Programme's Verification Report considers that PhD students must acquire the following competences:


  • CB11: Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the research skills and methods related to that field.
  • CB12: Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial research or creative process.
  • CB13: Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
  • CB14: Ability to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise new and complex ideas.
  • CB15: Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their fields of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
  • CB16: Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.



  • CA01: Dealing with contexts in which there is little specific information.
  • CA02: Find the key questions to be answered in order to solve a complex problem.
  • CA03: Design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
  • CA04: Work both in a team and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.
  • CA05: Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and formulate judgements with limited information.



The PhD Programme is developed in different UCLM Centres:



The programme is articulated with two basic regulations: the RD-99/2011 at national level, and the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the UCLM at university level. Both regulations and other additional regulations can be found in the regulations section of the EID website.

Links to the documents in the Spanish Language version.

The annual enrolement cost depends on the aplicable fees, aprobed by the Regional Government in Castilla-La Mancha. Click here to know the corresponding to the current academic year.
Research lines

The PhD programme offers three main lines of research, with their respective three research teams:

  • Line 1: Catalysis and Materials Technology.
  • Line 2: Separation processes and Polymer Technology.
  • Line 3: Electrochemical and Environmental Engineering.

The specific research objectives and topics currently being worked on within each of the three main lines are specified below.

1. Catalysis and Materials Technology

Technological development and innovation are among the main objectives of the research line, always aimed at the development of industrial processes compatible with the environment in the field of the Chemical Industry. Research has focused on the elimination of gaseous pollutants; on isomerisation processes and total or partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, to give rise to products with greater added value; and the reforming of hydrocarbons and alcohols for the production of hydrogen, both by conventional catalytic means and through electrochemical catalysis promotion phenomena. Likewise, during these years, techniques have been developed for the synthesis of new materials, especially those based on carbon and carbon-nitrogen nanostructures, used as catalysts and as enhancers of thermal properties in energy storage and release systems. Finally, thermal processes, mainly waste gasification and pyrolysis, are of interest in the group's research. The topics currently in operation are specified below:

  1. Synthesis, characterisation and applications of carbonaceous nanomaterials (nanofibres, nanotubes, nanospheres) and graphene (or its derivative materials).
  2. Biomass valorisation at laboratory and pilot plant scale by means of thermogravimetric analysis at pressure.
  3. Life cycle analysis of chemical processes.
  4. Electrocatalysis: electrochemical activation of catalysts and electrolysis of water and alcohols.
  5. Production of hydrogen from ammonia using novel catalysts.
  6. Photoreduction and electroreduction of CO2 to liquid fuels by the application of solar energy.


2. Separation processes and Polymer Technology

This line of research focuses its efforts on the development of new separation processes using techniques such as extraction with supercritical fluids. Another important line is the synthesis of new products such as functional polymers as well as microcapsules for well-defined purposes. Specifically, the general lines of work in the Separation Operations and Polymer Technology group are:

  1. Recovery of valuable substances from natural products or by-products by means of supercritical technology.
  2. Preparation of microcapsules containing phase change materials (PCMs), for application in the construction industry.
  3. Recycling of polyurethane waste.
  4. Synthesis of biocompatible materials for the selective elimination of bilirubin.
  5. Obtaining bi- and tri-functional polymeric polyols for application in elastomers and polyurethane foams.
  6. Development of biocompatible polymers for the controlled release of drugs.
  7. Synthesis of silica nanoparticles and agglomerated products by the Sol-Gel method.
  8. Synthesis of Bio-based polyols from vegetable oils.
  9. Development of microcapsules containing extraction agents for the selective separation of heavy metals from polluted water.
  10. Analysis of the dynamics of mercury in its soil-atmosphere transfer and in natural aqueous media.


3. Electrochemical and Environmental Engineering

This line focuses its activity on the treatment, valorisation and recovery of resources from solid waste, urban and industrial liquid effluents and contaminated soils, by means of chemical engineering techniques (mainly electrochemical and biological techniques). It pursues the recovery of waste and its material and energy recovery in the most sustainable way possible. The themes currently being developed are as follows:

  1. Treatment of liquid and gaseous effluents by electrochemical technologies.
  2. Treatment of contaminated soils by electrochemically assisted technologies.
  3. Development of electrochemical energy storage systems.
  4. Treatment of industrial waste water by photocatalysis.
  5. Thermo-hydro-chemical-mechanical modelling of active clays.
  6. Study of strategies for the remediation and conservation of stone materials used in architectural heritage.
  7. Environmental Geotechnics.
Training activities


The following training activities are mandatory throughout the completion of the Doctoral Thesis:


Duration: 8h.

Temporary planning: Mandatory 1st year activity. It will take place between October and December.

Place and those responsible for teaching: Seminar given by members of the Academic Committee, preferably in the center where the Program Coordinator is located. In the event that a student cannot attend, the person in charge of teaching will be their own Tutor.

Objective: It addresses the explanation of the basic starting aspects in the development of the Doctoral Thesis, collected in the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the UCLM. In addition, it serves to establish a detailed planning of the rest of the training activities as well as of all the procedures of the Program



Duration: 10h.

Temporary planning: Mandatory activity once during the Thesis, to be carried out preferably in the 2nd year of membership in the Program. It will preferably be taught between the months of September and October.

Place and those responsible for teaching: Seminar given by members of the Academic Committee, preferably in the center where the Program Coordinator is located. In the event that a student cannot attend, the person in charge of teaching will be her own Tutor.

Objective: Seminar that addresses cross-cutting aspects related to research management, focusing on the following points: Knowledge of the sources of funding; Preparation of research projects; Management procedures for research projects (personnel, equipment, etc); Transfer of technology and intellectual property.



Duration: 1 day in October or November.

Temporary planning: Mandatory activity once during the Thesis from the second year.

Place and those responsible for teaching: This is a transversal activity organized by the International Doctoral School of the UCLM, and each year it is held in a different Campus of the UCLM.

Objective: It is an activity in which doctoral students carry out presentations of their research, and learn about those made in other programs.



Duration: 2-3 days.

Temporary planning and place of teaching: Compulsory activity at least once during the Thesis from the second year. It is carried out on dates and places without determining as it depends on the organization of the aforementioned seminars or congresses to establish such planning.

Objective: Participate in specific scientific events of a line of research, preferably international.


  • AF5. MOBILITY. Two types are considered:

a) Short-term mobility: This is the mobility associated with carrying out the activities AF3 or AF4 when any of them takes place outside the town where the Center in which the Thesis is developed is located. It is a Mandatory activity.

b) Long-term mobility: This is mobility associated with research stays in other entities. It is not mandatory. Long-term mobility usually comprises periods of three to six months (the maximum time expressed in hours would correspond to that indicated at the beginning of this activity, that is, 900 h). It is usually carried out between April and October and is optional. There are no differences between full-time and part-time students. In most cases, it is associated with stays in international research centers, in order to obtain the mention of an international doctorate. Said mobility is prepared through the previous work of the tutor and the thesis supervisor, who consider the international collaborations that already exist, and already described in this report, or carry out the search for international research centers in which it is interesting that the doctoral student carry out a stay. After establishing contact with the international research center, and the latter having accepted that the doctoral student carry out a stay, the tutor and the thesis director inform the doctoral student of possible financial aid to allow this activity. The website of the UCLM Doctoral School informs about the different calls for financial aid at this link: International Doctorate School (uclm.es) .

All AFs are described in the Verification memory. They have an evaluation and control procedure by the TUTOR. In all cases, the control of the activity corresponds to the tutor of the doctoral student, verifying the attendance to it and personally evaluating the student's learning in the acquisition.

Access and admision


The minimum legal requirements for admission to any of the doctoral programs are those specified in the section "Access for new doctoral students" in the section on admission and enrollment on the Doctorate School website.


The recommended entry profile is the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering. The objectives and competencies offered by this Master can be consulted at the following web address: Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Química (uclm.es). The University Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering taught at UCLM has been used as a representative example. This Master requires the B1 level of English language upon completion, a level that would be required to access the Program.


Other possible entry profiles are the following:

  1. Regulated University Master's Degree in any branch of Sciences, Engineering (except Chemical Engineering) or Environmental Technology. In order to specify, as far as possible, what other Master's degree could allow access to the program, the areas of knowledge in science or engineering that are considered valid for admission are indicated below, areas collected from the list of ISCED codes: Biology and Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physical, Chemical and Geological Sciences, Environmental Protection, Chemical Processes, Construction and Civil Engineering, Environmental Control and Technology, Engineering and Allied Professions, Chemistry.

  2. Students in possession of the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) obtained in accordance with the provisions of RD 778/98, or who have achieved Research Proficiency as regulated by RD 185/85, and who have completed it in previous Doctoral programs corresponding to the aforementioned areas of knowledge included in the list of ISCED codes: Biology and Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physical, Chemical and Geological Sciences, Environmental Protection, Chemical Processes, Construction and Civil Engineering, Environmental Control and Technology, Engineering and Allied Professions, Chemistry.

  3. Other situations:
  • C1. Those who are in the case specified in RD 99/2011, article 6.2 (a), or 6.2 (b) having taken research training credits, and belonging to the official title to which said article refers to any of the areas of sciences or engineering mentioned in the previous section A).
  • C2. Those who are in the case specified in RD 99/2011, article 6.2 (b) without having taken research training credits, and belonging to the official title to which said article refers to any of the science or engineering areas mentioned in the previous section A).
  • C3. Those who are in the case specified in RD 99/2011, article 6.2 (d), and belonging to the Master to which said article refers, to any of the science or engineering areas mentioned in the previous section A).
  • C4. Those who are in the case specified in RD 99/2011, article 6.2 (e), and belonging to the Doctorate to which said article refers to any of the science or engineering areas mentioned in the previous section A).

Taking into account the above, those applicants whose previous studies do not correspond to the aforementioned areas of knowledge will not meet the entry profile, and in that case, they will not be admitted to the Program.


The new doctoral programs do not have an established teaching period. In some cases, the Academic Committee of the Program may establish, if it considers it necessary, individually for each student, Master's level training complements. Said supplements will be specified in the program admission email that candidates starting the doctorate will receive.

In summary, in the case of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Program, the need to take the following training complements is considered, only for those students with entry profiles other than the recommended one:

  1. Those applicants who have not taken research training credits must take them in the following subject:
    "Security and Knowledge Management in the Chemical Industry" (6 ECTS)
  2. Those applicants whose previous degree does not correspond to the area of Chemical Engineering, must take training credits appropriate to the line of research in which they are integrated. Specific:

In any case, the subjects to be studied would belong to the University Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering at UCLM:
Másteres Oficiales y Títulos de Formación Permanente : Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Química (uclm.es)


The Program can admit a maximum of 12 new students each year. It is estimated that this number of students would be distributed equally among the three main lines of research of the Program. Given that the aforementioned research lines are developed in almost all the Centers, and that there is no direct assignment relationship between Centers and Research Lines, a strict number of places associated with each Center is not indicated. Taking into account the activity of the Program's researchers, the following distribution can be estimated:

  • Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies and ITQUIMA (Ciudad Real): 7 students.
  • School of Civil Engineers of Ciudad Real: 1 student.
  • Ciudad Real School of Industrial Engineers: 1 student.
  • School of Mining and Industrial Engineering of Almadén: 1 student.
  • Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry and ICAM (Toledo): 2 students.


The application for admission will be submitted in the format and with the documentation established by the Management Committee of the UCLM Doctoral School, in accordance with the admission and enrollment calendar approved by said body, and will be addressed to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program. Below are the criteria for admission and selection of applications, as well as some required tests or interviews. The criteria have been established in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of RD 99/2011 of January 28 and article 8 of the UCLM Regulations for Doctoral Studies.

  1. The suitability of the studies that allow you access to the third cycle, in relation to the object of the research in which you wish to prepare your doctoral thesis. According to this criterion, only students whose previous studies correspond to the areas of knowledge of Sciences or Engineering mentioned in the sub-section “other entry profiles” will be admitted. It will be considered to grant a double score or assessment in this criterion (2 points) to applicants who meet the recommended income profile, compared to applicants who present different income profiles to the recommended one (1 point).
  2. The applicant's Curriculum Vitae: assessment of the training and academic record, as well as her professional and research experience, especially in activities related to the areas of specialization of the Doctorate Program. (A) the previous academic record and (B) the suitability of the previous professional and research activity will be assessed separately, in the latter case taking into account its relationship with the areas of knowledge mentioned above. A positive assessment of both aspects separately (that is, (a) the previous academic record and (b) the suitability of the previous professional and research activity) would award 1 point in each of the two cases.
  3. Demonstrate, by any officially recognized means, that they have sufficient knowledge of the English and Spanish languages (where appropriate) that allow the development of the Doctorate Program to be undertaken without difficulty. For consistency with the requirements that are established to obtain the University Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the UCLM, a B1 level will be required, duly accredited by an official certificate from the evaluating entities, and higher levels being valued positively. If you do not have B1 level accreditation, another form of demonstration will be valued (for example, certificate of official language courses or schools, or accredited stays in English-speaking countries). A positive assessment of this criterion would award 1 point.
  4. An interview will be held between the candidate and at least two members of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program, in all cases. The interview would try to assess additional aspects, such as motivation, dedication commitment, ability to adapt to new linguistic, geographical and cultural environments, and personal characteristics (flexibility, aptitude for teamwork). A positive assessment of this criterion would award 1 point.
  5. Admission criteria for students with disabilities. No differences are established between students with disabilities and the rest. The mechanisms that guarantee non-discrimination of people with disabilities, and guarantee the means to favor their accessibility to all UCLM services (including also those related to the completion of a doctorate) are already articulated through the student care service disabled: Campus life : Support Service for Students with Disabilities (uclm.es)


Admitted students will receive the pertinent communication and will be summoned by the Coordinator or the Secretary of the Academic Committee of the Program, and within a period of less than one week, to a first reception and orientation meeting, in the Center where the Coordinator is located. of the Program. The meeting will once again present, in person to new students, the enrollment procedures, the follow-up of the doctoral student, the description of the research groups, facilities, and other services (such as scholarships, grants and accommodation).


Detailed information on calls for scholarships and grants for researchers in training can be found at the following link, corresponding to the UCLM International Doctoral School: Tablón de anuncios de la EID : Tablón de anuncios de la EID (uclm.es)

Specific procedures of the PhD program


The Doctorate Program "Chemical and Environmental Engineering" makes the assignment of Tutors, Directors, and possible Co-Directors of Theses and Co-Guardians following the general regulations existing for all Programs. Additionally, for the assignment of Co-Directors, specific criteria have been established within the Program that are summarized below:

  • The Academic Committee will assign a student a Co-Director of the Doctoral Thesis at the proposal of the Tutor and the Director of said student, by means of a written request to the committee.
  • If the proposed Co-Director belongs to the PhD Program itself, no additional documentation will be requested.
  • If the proposed Co-Director does not belong to the Doctoral Program, his CV, a letter with a statement of reasons, and a proposal for collaboration with the research group or entity to which he belongs will be requested. The specific case of Co-guardianship with foreign Universities is already regulated by the EID of the UCLM.
  • Finally, the Academic Committee of the Program will decide on the requested assignment, drawing up the minutes and informing in any case of the reasons for the decision taken.



The general regulations of the International Doctoral School of UCLM will apply, which can be consulted at the following link:




You can send your inquiries to the following addresses





José Villaseñor Camacho (COORDINATOR)



Instituto de Tecnología Química y Medioambiental, ITQUIMA, 13071, Ciudad Real

Antonio de Lucas Consuegra

(Academic Secretary)



Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Químicas,13071 Ciudad Real


In each doctoral program, a Quality Assurance Commission will be set up, made up of:

  • The Program Coordinator, who will act as President of the Commission: José Villaseñor Camacho.
  • Two researchers who carry out their activity within the program, of which one of them will act as secretary: Antonio de Lucas Consuegra (secretary) and Paula Sánchez Paredes.
  • A doctoral student from the doctoral program: Celia Gómez Sacedón.
  • A member of the administration and services staff: María Celeste Sánchez Plaza.
  • Optionally, a representative of the entities or companies with which a collaboration agreement has been established may be incorporated.


The Internal Quality Assurance Committee for Doctoral Programs will meet at least twice a year and will have the following functions:

  • Analyze the results of the procedures that make up the SGICPD.
  • Carry out the Annual Improvement Plan and the Annual Monitoring Report of the program.
  • Raise the above documents to the Steering Committee of the International Doctoral School for approval.
  • Any other assigned by this document or by its development procedures.


Annual monitoring reports of the Program's Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGC), (links in Spanish):


  2014-15   2015-16   2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 
Number of Thesis presented (full dedication) 0 0 6 3 10 9 9 12 
Number of Thesis presented (partial dedication) 0 0 0 0 1 0  0
International Doctorate rate     66,7% 66,7% 81,8% 33,3%  55,6%  33,3%
Full dedication: average Thesis duration (years)     2,01 3,16 3,63  3,76 4,05 3,75
Partial dedication: average Thesis duration (years)     - 2,93 - - -
Abandonment rate No procede 0,0% 3,2% 0,0% 5,3% 2,4% 12,2% 1,9% 
Success rate (<=3 years) Full dedication 30,8% 31,3% 10,0% 16,7% 0,0% 16,7% 14,3%  0,0%
Succes rate (>3 years) Full dedication 69,2% 56,3% 90,0% 58,3% 50,0% 0,0% 0,0%  0,0%
Success rate (>5 years) Partial dedication - 50,0% - - - - 0,0%  0,0%
Success rate (>5 years) Partial dedication - 0,0% - - - - 0,%  0,0%


(links in Spanish language version)