Access route

To access these studies, as established in art. 3 of Royal Decree 412/2014, it will be necessary to be in possession of the baccalaureate degree or equivalent and the passing of the test referred to in this R.D. In this sense, the provisions on university access procedures in this R.D. and in the successive ones within the Organic Law 2/2023, of March 22, of the University System will be followed.

Any of the following routes may also be used to access these studies:

  • Higher Graduate Training Cycle Degree or equivalent related by their curricular designs to the training contents of the degree.
  • University graduates.
  • Entrance exams for those over 25 years of age.
  • Access through accreditation of work or professional experience. 
  • Entrance examinations for those over 45 years of age. 
  • Equivalent qualifications.

If the student has more than one access route, he/she will be able to use all of them simultaneously to enter these studies at the time of pre-enrolment. 

In general terms, the University of Castilla-La Mancha will make all the necessary information available to our potential students so that they can choose their degree course with the best possible information. 

In this sense, the Student Management Area plays an essential role with a Management that coordinates and promotes, supported by the Student Management Unit of the Rectorate, the administrative, information and promotion actions decided by the Vice-Rectorate for Students. Finally, it is the Student Management Units on each campus, as decentralised units, which carry out these actions.