Library Reading Clubs

Reading Clubs have arisen to promote reading habits and as a meeting point to share reading experiences among members. University libraries  are including the promotion of reading within the university community, amongst their duties, by means of their reading clubs

At the UCLM there are three Reading Clubs distributed amongst the general libraries in Albacete, Ciudad Real and Cuenca.

They are in essence a group of people who meet regularly to discuss a book read at home. This book is lent by the library which has enough issues for all the club members. At the meetings there are discussions on what has been read and the surprising thing is how such varied ideas and conclusions can be drawn from the same book , depending on who the reader is. Of course, the subject matter of what has been read is discussed too, as well as the characters, style, the literary creation and author.

The main objective of this, apart from making an analysis of the work which is to all intents and purposes exhaustive, is to make reading more pleasurable by sharing it with others.

Moreover, and with the students in mind, the UCLM Vice-chancellor´s Office of Culture has started an initiative known as the “cultural passport" in which participation in UCLM activities are recognised by awarding credits and the Reading Club is one of these which is recognised with 2 points for every book read.

If you wish to participate in the Reading Club  on your campus, all you need to do is send an email to the following addresses:

You may consult any of the books already read on the different campuses this year.



Ciudad Real:



  • El libro de los viajes equivocados / Clara Obligado