Biomedicine Institute UCLM



The UCLM Institute of Biomedicine aims to bring together the biomedical research of the UCLM in its different fields, in order to improve the quality of our health system and the training opportunities for its professionals. The objectives of the IB-UCLM are focused on three main axes: the first is to strengthen research activity, promoting collaborations and the development of strategic lines of research in the different scientific areas of the centre. The second objective is to attract financial resources and access to scientific platforms to support research in line with the activity of its research groups, adapting human resources to regional, national and European strategy. Finally, the IB-UCLM will promote and encourage innovation activities among researchers and their contact and collaboration with the agents of the scientific, technological, business and health environment, promoting the dissemination of their research to the different agents of society.  



To establish basic and applied biomedical research programmes on health problems.

To implement infrastructures and technology to carry out such projects, in particular central research services.

To collaborate in the quality training of research and technical personnel.

To foster scientific collaboration with other regional, national and international institutions.




It has various pieces of equipment for common use, as a result of the aid obtained for the provision of infrastructures, both from the Regional Government and from national institutions and European funds (ERDF), including the following:


Confocal microscopy

Laser microdissection

DNA sequencing

Flow cytometry

Quantitative PCR

Analytical instrumentation unit


Management team:

Director: José Javier García Ramírez

Administration: Gabriel Rosado Serradilla

Addresses and telephone numbers




Dirección postal:

Instituto de Biomedicina 

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Complejo de la Facultad de Medicina de Albacete

C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete

Teléfono: (+ 34) 926 295300

Fax: (+ 34) 926 295301