Bibliographical Reference Managers
What is EndNote basic?
EndNote basic is an online bibliographical reference management programme designed to help researchers and students to manage their bibliographies and incorporate them into their research papers. It is available on the ISI Web of Knowledge website. Access for UCLM users is free thanks to the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) national license.
What does EndNote basic permit?
-Creating a personalized database for up to 10,000 references
-Organising a personal bibliography.
- Cite While You Write™ in Microsoft Word enables you to enter references instantly.
-Retrieving references quickly and easily from wide-ranging online data sources such as PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge by means of direct exportation, online searches or importing text files.
-Sharing references with other EndNote basic users to make collaboration easier
-As EndNote is an online programme, it can be used anywhere
How can it be accessed?
EndNote basic is on the ISI Web of Knowledge (WOK) platform, which can be accessed in two ways:
- By means of the University Library website at the following address and afterwards clicking on Multidisciplines, WOS.
- Or by means of the address:
How do you work with EndNote basic?
In order to work with EndNote basic you need to be registered on the WOS website, specifically with the option "Register"
Once registered, we can access from anywhere from the address:
To make using EndNote easier, the library has provided the following links with Guides, Tutorials and Recorded courses:
Vídeo EndNote Basic: presentation
Vídeo EndNote Basic: add references
Vídeo EndNote Basic: share references
Vídeo EndNote Basic: create bibliographies and enter quotes
Quick start Guide
Complete guide to EndNote basic

Recently, UCLM has acquired a license for the EndNoteX9 program. This license is institutional, has no user limit and is available, additionally, for students. You can access the software catalog to download it and consult the following links to deepen its use:
Endnote X9 Guide of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Tutorial (English): How to use Endnote X9 in six minutes