My Library

From My Library you can check the status of your loans and reservations, renew your loans and much more.
In My Library, you can access personalized services: loans, borrowed book reservations, loan renewals, comments, book purchase requests, etc. 

From the library catalog, identifying yourself with your UCLM username and password, you can access the personalized services: loans, reservations of borrowed books, loan renewals, comments, book purchase requests, etc. 

Once authenticated, you must click on the link “My library” to see on a single screen the return date of the loans, the possibility of renewing them, the reservations made by the user and if they are available. In addition, it is possible to make proposals for purchases from the library and other transactions (saved searches, create links, etc.).

The university community (Teaching and Research Staff, Students, Administration and Services Staff and alumni) with UCLM credentials and external users with personal e-mail.
You can identify yourself as a library user to make loans and returns in the self-checkout machines, check your loans, see their return date and proceed to renew them when possible; check the reserves of borrowed books that you have active; make book purchase proposals to the library and see their processing status. You can also ask questions and make suggestions to the library, save your searches in the catalogue and configure your links.

To renew, a check box must appear next to the book to be renewed. Check the box and then click the renew button.

Mi Biblioteca

Most of the bibliographic collection can be loaned, but there are some items excluded from loan, either because of their use (encyclopedias, for example) or because of their uniqueness or value. This type of collection may be consulted in the reading room.

In the following table we offer you all the information about loan terms and number of copies.

Tabla de préstamos

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The loan may be renewed for the same period, as long as the book has not been reserved by another user. Libraries may establish restrictions on the renewal of books due to the needs of the service. Remember that only books whose loan period has not been exceeded may be renewed and only one day before or on the same day as the due date of the loan.
If you are interested in a book lent to another user, you can reserve it (only one per title) by identifying yourself in “My library” and looking for the book you need in the catalog. The reserve option will appear at the bottom of the page.


Libraries will inform users of the availability of reserved books by e-mail or telephone call. These books must be taken within two days, after which, if they have not been picked up at the library, they will be put back into circulation.

Failure to comply with the conditions established in the regulations will be sanctioned with the suspension of this service in the following terms:

- One day will be suspended for each copy and day of delay for loans of copies of the type “Long loan materials”.
- Five days will be suspended for each copy and day late for loans of “Short loan materials” and “Non-bibliographic materials for teaching and learning support”, as well as for the late return of these materials.

Sanctioned users will not be able to make use of the different services associated with loans, such as complaints, reservations, renewals, intercampus loans, etc.