Our Educational Approach

Main features of our educational approach

¿Como lo hacemos?

  • Competency-based learning, focused on the acquisition of the professional, clinical, and social skills necessary to excel in the professional practice of medicine. Assessments through Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) from Year 3. 


  • Student-focused, small-sized teaching groups (2530 students).


  • Active participation of students and interaction with the medical education team throughout the learning process.


  • Encourage the development of logical reasoning, self-learning, and self-assessment skills


  • Reinforce learning through practical involvement in laboratories, dissecting rooms, clinical skills and simulation labs, and clinical practices in hospital facilities


  • Focus on problem-based learning to assess clinical cases.


  • Multidisciplinary learning approach, integrating basic, clinical, and psycho-social sciences.


  • Continuous assessment of students, academic staff, and the educational approach